harvest passing harvest suspire drag clouds vitality borrowing everyday kitchen changing laundry dry desublimation guest wooden air all_the yatsuo snow snow scent trampoline thumb shadow thumb chaise thumb algor mortis thumb algor mortis 2 thumb 10min thumb phone thumb scent thumb anicca thumb toddle thumb arm thumb contact thumb right foot thumb right foot 2 thumb right foot 3 thumb floor thumb phase change thumb poll-o thumb lips thumb grotto thumb conversation thumb

10min detail2

10min detail


10 minutes

Vitality Imager (2015), silk thread, thermal color, paint, wood, cube: 7" x 7" x 7", wood: 5" x 3" x 7"

A device for observing one's exhalation pattern in a 1cm grid. The volume of the cube represents the artist's lung capacity. A wooden form was created by referencing video stills.